Things we love about the British:
1. We love HATS... We love feathers in hat... We love wearing hats with everything... Yeah for HATS!
2. We love the ACCENTS! The ugliest person can somehow become totally fuckable when they speak...
3. We love yellow teeth. Call us crazy, but what's with a white as rice smile that can blind you? We like to know that food goes inside that mouth! Yeah for Yellow Teeth!
4. We love the Royals! We love their quirky inbred habits. We love the fact that when they smile (see #3) and that they absolutly serve no purpose at all besides suck up tax payer money and go on lavish trips for no apparent reason.
5. We love Camilla... We know, we know, she should be up there in number 4, but we here at Gossipvine we don't consider her as a "real" royal. She's pretty much like the evil step mother that no one likes. We think that she is wonderful though! We love the fact that she finally got what she wants, and we have to applaud persistance!
6. We love Rugby. We love hot sweaty shirtless men with no rules running into other shirtless sweaty men. Ohhh...
7. We love Big Ben. It not only is a classic landmark, but so convienant. What time is it? Oh, just look there, it's a big freakin clock just chillin and telling time... LOVE IT!
8. We love castles. Call us crazy, but we like to sometimes surf the net for castles to buy (check out http://www.castles-for-sale.com/ It's an awesome site for those out there lookin to buy them some CASTLE!) There's some kind of elegance that goes on with owning a castle. Plus, imagine the bad-ass parties we could throw... that's right bitches, you'll all be sorry that you didn't invite us to your cool parties in high school when your NOT invited to our way cooler Castle Parties!
9. We love Celebrities. Madonna, Gwyneth, Sienna, Jude, The Spice Girls, Elizabeth Hurley, Hugh Grant, Elizabeth Taylor (born in England) Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nicole Kidman (also born in England) Alfred Hitchcock, David Bowie, Phil Collins, Richard Bronson, Rod Stewart, Elton John, Kate Moss, Kylie Minogue, Kate Winslet, Sam Mendes, Robbie Williams, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, The Who... the list goes on... We love them ALL! (except Gwyneth... she's a bitch)
10. Pubs. We love beer. We love how no one cards 16 year olds, we love pints because they are huge, we love dark ale, pale ale and being able to SMOKE and sit in a pub... We love how everyone drinks and no on is an alcoholic, we love beer and especially those who appreciate a good pint.
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