Britney is more of an idiot than I thought

Accoding to, K-Fed tol Rich Ryan Seacrest that his trailer trash wife, the once, long, long ago pop "star" will be singing backup vocals on his not-yet-deated-release album. He makes it clear the Bartiney will not be rapping...
WOW... I didn't know I cared so little that Britney Spears, who told the world that she would be "Retiring" from the music business after her 2004 FAILED and CUT SHORT Onyx Tour would be making her "Comeback" on loser husband's album. I wonder who the fuck told her that this was a good idea... what the hell is she thinking? Who the hell is around this woman that tells her that it is okay to do stupid shit (marry Jason Alexander, STEAL K-Fed and marry him, have his ugly love child, wear horse hair extensions, never lose the baby weight...) I have no idea what the hell is going on!!! With as much money as the Spenderlines have to blow on SHIT (TaterTots (their son's) room at xmas was pimped out with camels and wiseman for an estimated 25 grand...)
You know what, I thought Lynn Spears was smarter than this. This just proves my assumption that Lynn has totally given up on Britney and now is concentrating on Spear's younger sister, Jamie-Lynn Spears, the star of her own Nickelodeon TV show. *Note to Lynn: Keep Jamie-Lynn away from back up dancers. And Aaron Carter, I got a bad feeling about that one...
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