Clay Aiken is STRAIGHT...

The man, John Paulus, 38, a former Green Beret, who PASSED a lie detector test made accusations that Aiken, using the screen name "ValleyPrettyBoy" told the National Enquirer about his romp with Aiken at the Quality Inn in Garner, NC.
The Gossipvine is APPAULED... So we have come up with a few reasons we DON'T think Clay is a homo:
1. This is the Clay Aiken that sang MEASURE OF A MAN, "Would he walk on water, Would he run through fire, Would he stand before you, When it's down to the wire, Would he give his life up, To be all he can, Is that, is that, is that how you measure a man? THAT CAN'T BE GAY!
2. Any man that poses for promo pictures in red boas and little puppies TOTALLY LOVES PUSSY.
3. Havn't you people ever heard of a metrosexual, just because Clay plucks his eyebrows, waxes his legs, uses large amounts of hair gel and knows what styling "wax" is and has his pubic hairs waxed in little symbols like kitty cats (he loves pussies... remember?) can NOT be freakin GAY.
4. He said he wasn't. In Rolling Stone magazine. Isn't that all we need?
5. His favorite song is Bridge Over Troubled Water... What? He likes the classics.
6. Middle aged woman LOVE him... including many of our mothers here at the Gossipvine. Although GiGi's mom did love her last boyfriend Chaz, who she later caught sucking off the waiter at Applebees...
7. Because anyone can pretend to be Clay Aiken. I mean, all it takes is some styling wax, a few glued pubes on the chin, a horse face, speaking in falsetto, a small dog and a mangina... It could have been ANYONE!
8. No serious Gay guy gets his man meat action on at the freakin QUALITY INN. The Quality Inn people? No self respecting gay guy sticks his man meat into some man hole at any place with the words "Budget", "Best", "Quality", or "Holiday" in it. That's a Gay Rule. Rule #857 in the Gay handbook... we know cause Jake Gyllanhall told us.
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