The Gossip Grapevine

The greatest second hand gossip blog in the blog world...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

American Idol - 1 more

Is Paula Abdul drunk sometimes? I sure hope so, or someone needs to regulate the meds...

American Idol Picks

GossipVine's top 12 picks for American Idol:

1. Paris Bennett
2. Lisa Tucker
3. Kellie Pickler
4. Mandisa
5. Katherine McPhee
6. Becky O'Donahue

1. Chris Daughtery
2. Elliot Yamin
3. Taylor Hicks
4. Kevin Covais
5. Will Maker
6. Gideon McKinney or Ace Young - we can't decide

American Idol

American Idol is our favorite show... we don't like any of the girls but Paris... but we DO love us some boys, especially Taylor Hicks. There is something about this man that makes us want to move to Birmingham, Alabama and eat alligator for the rest of our lives with him! Good luck Taylor, we LOVE you! Also, Kevin Covias, we LOVE you, you are so stinkin' cute we want to cry every time you sing, your so cute we want to pinch your cheeks, your lisp is so darling! Good luck to everyone... maybe not everyone, but most of you!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Nasty Bond Girl

YUCK! NASTY! What the fuck? This is the next BOND GIRL??? Besides the obvious, the yellow teeth, the nasty eyebrows, the freaky hair and who knows about the rest of her weird French hairy body...

Whatever happened to HOT bond girls? And who the hell has ever heard of Eva Green in the first place? Well, I guess who the hell has ever heard of Craig what's-his-name that's the new Bond guy. This movie is gonna suck. We think they should just give us .1 percent of the MILLIONS they are going to spend on this suck ass film and we will spend it on cocaine, trendy hotels and lots of hookers and we'd make a lot better movie!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Who Cares?

Clay Aiken fans may be upset that he may soon be outed by his "lover"... all we have to say is WHAT THE FUCK... if it walks like a FAG, sings like a FAG, acts like a FAG, highlights his hair like a FAG... what th FUCK did you think???

And why do you care? The boy can still sing!

Duff Troll

Speaking of snaggle tooth, what the hell did this chick do to herself? Why did this happen? You would think her boyfriend would not let her any where near his... errr... does she still work for Disney?

Snaggle Madge

Snaggle Tooth... move to England, look what happens. You become a troll. Lucky us, now we get to see this bitch in a freakin leotard all summer... oh GOD HELP US ALL.

Stupid Non Natual Blonde

NASTY! Looks like Jessica is to busy banging Adam Levine, Bam and her Dad to worry about silly things like the fact that she isn't a real blonde! Looks like CaCee Cobb is to busy banging Nick Lachey and not enough time being Jessica's assistant and reminding her of things like bleaching those horrible roots. Looks like Tina taught her daughter to match her scrunchie's to her socks but forgot to mention that you have to keep dying your hair... it doesn't just stay...

Happy V Day!

Happy Valentines Day to our favorite couple, may your day be filled with lots of sprinkles and sunshine and rainbows... not poopie diapers, spitup, slobber, stinky breathe, whoring, man jaws, home wrecking, pretend marriage and french loving treason like some other tabloid loving couples that are out there.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Heatherette Sucks

Heatherette, the fashion line has designed some very sophisticated, very casual mens line this season...

I'll excpect my next blind date to be wearing tights... It's going to be a hit, I feel it.

What pretentious idiots. I hope they both get some weird club-kid disease and lose all ability to sew. God Save Us.

Full House

This is hilarious. Just hilarious. Meth? Classy...

We want to know if your going to church with Candice Cameron now?

Pretty bad if the Olsen Twins had to tell you your looking and acting like a crack whore.


Speaking of Grammy's what ever happened to Usher? Wasn't he supposed to be the next P-Diddy? Wasn't he supposed to be the hottest thing? Where the hell is he?

Hes pissed because Kanye West ate him and spit him out after he stole his chest hair so he'd have some to glue to his chest for the red carpet.

Speaking of ass hole Kanye the arrogant fucker, I wanna see Kanye try to take over P-Diddy... you know it's only a matter of time... it's gonna be so good.


If one more person says Jennifer Lopez is pregnant I am going to scream!

Who the hell cares? I'm personally surpirsed her eggs arn't all dried up because she's SO OLD.

Not to mention the fact that her husband looks more like a 55 year old woman than a hispanic man and their child is going to be uglier than you know who and his home wrecking whore's.

He already has 3 kids.... she's such a Britney... maybe she should spend some time with the other kids if she wants one. What a bitch. I like how no one mentioned her at the Grammy's because she's a loser.

Jordan Rocks

Why don't we have awesome people like this in the states? Jordan is the coolest person in the world! I love the fact that this bitch can be famous for no reason, write books about nothing and have people still be in love with her... WAIT... she's Paris Hilton. The beauty of Jordan is that she's SELF MADE, her crazy nipple revealing mother wasn't behind her dressing her in thong bikinis shoving her into random red carpet events... that's right bitch, Jordan showed up crazy alone!


What the hell are the Russian Lesbo's doing? Someone needs to tell them that they are NOT cute. Seriously, they are fugly looking and need to have their passport's REVOKED.

Never again do I ever need to see them.

No Love for Love Hewitt

What a freaking moron. You show up to a red carpet event and you don't know what designer you are wearing? This has to mean only one thing. She was kidnapped and brainwashed before the Grammy's. That would be the only explanation for that bee-hive weave and those BANGS... someone needs to tell Jennifer that bangs are not cool, so NOT cool. They might have been cool, say 10 years ago when SHE was cool, but not now.

And while we are on the subject, why the hell was she even there? She hasn't done anything for 7 years, excpet that stupid horse whispering tv show that got cancelled. You don't see Heather Grahm handing out awards.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Nicky Hilton hates Mischa Barton

Nicky Hilton was heard saying that Mischa Barton was a fat cow. Her exact words were something like this: "What the hell is that fat cow doing here?"

We think this is hilarious... Especially coming from Nicky, who we hope keeps smoking so it will surpress HER appetite... GIRLS GOTTEN BIG, and by big we mean she must be on the same feeding schedule as Britney Spears.

Didn't Kathy Hilton tell Nicky that she has to STOP eating when her thighs touch? Probably not, she like Paris so much more.

American Idol goes CRAZY

First we have William Hung, now THIS...

Rhonetta Johnson, crazy chick from American Idol has her own fan club website! That's CRAZY...

Way to celebrate insanity! This chick needs to be put away and medicated.

Stupid Woman

Anna Benson, the wife of Orioles Pitcher Kris Benson has decided that she is a poker player, and YOU too can play with the SELF PROFESSED "Gold Digger" on her stupid website that we are not going to give to you cause shes a whore.

What the hell is wrong with this bitch? She's a butterface to begin with, but when you go around telling people you used to be a stripper, met your husband in a strip club and married him because he had money, makes the whole entire world HATE YOU....

I think someone needs to call Kris Benson and have him put his wife in check, someone like....hmmm... the Baseball Commissioner. Baseball is a FAMILY sport, not a booze loving, stripper mommy, hep c infected, gambling kind of family.

Hot Dog!

Some people in Arlington, WA, which is about 1 and a half hours North of Seattle in Snohomish County, right between the Cascade Mountains and the Puget Sound, have certainly gotten tired of hanging out at "The Blue Bird" and getting drunk at "Olympic Tavern", which we here at Gossipvine know for a FACT is the only thing to do in Arlington, WA, but these smarties have found a way to make a little money too... Anyway, the just of the story is that they bought a hotdog at Seahawks' stadium and are selling the frozen delight on Ebay for over $10,000. Yes, people have actually bid that much for an eight dollar hotdog. Whatever... this is the first time the Seahawks have been to the SuperBowl but my gosh people... I'd send you one for $50...

Congratualtions, Arlington is finally on the map... we thought for sure it would have been for something cool like someone famous dying while they jumped off Haller Bridge. Oh well...

You can see the whole story at