Hot Dog!

Some people in Arlington, WA, which is about 1 and a half hours North of Seattle in Snohomish County, right between the Cascade Mountains and the Puget Sound, have certainly gotten tired of hanging out at "The Blue Bird" and getting drunk at "Olympic Tavern", which we here at Gossipvine know for a FACT is the only thing to do in Arlington, WA, but these smarties have found a way to make a little money too... Anyway, the just of the story is that they bought a hotdog at Seahawks' stadium and are selling the frozen delight on Ebay for over $10,000. Yes, people have actually bid that much for an eight dollar hotdog. Whatever... this is the first time the Seahawks have been to the SuperBowl but my gosh people... I'd send you one for $50...
Congratualtions, Arlington is finally on the map... we thought for sure it would have been for something cool like someone famous dying while they jumped off Haller Bridge. Oh well...
You can see the whole story at
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