Superficial Sucks Ass

You know, a long long time ago our favorite blog was but somewhere between Britney Spears giving birth, Madonna becoming freakishly toned and having the sense to find better blogs that arn't just correlations of crap from Page 6, the superficial has become the super-feces.
Example 1: The Superficial posts pic of Cameron Diaz DAYS after WE post... and we are freakin lazy bitches!
Example 2: The Superficial DOES NOT credit people when you send it tips... WE KNOW, we've sent in about 3 and they have been commented on and all it says is: Thanks to _____ (not out fucking name)
Example 3: Superficial totally fucking stole that Brad and his chameleon shit from 1-27-06 from from about 7 months ago... at least fucking read other blogs you illiterate morons
Example 4: We were reading Super-Feces today and we were trying to remember why we knew about Natasha Lyonne wanted for arrest, then we remembered that we had SEEN the freaking mugshot... about 3 months ago. They didn't even post the mug shot, and all we did was google "Natasha Lyonne mugshot" to get this hot pic... What lazy glibs.
Example 5: No example, only oppinion. They suck. We quit them. It's like when your favorite band sells out to the record company and not that cool Indie Label... Ohh well... have fun stealing people's shit and posting it 2 weeks after everyone knows about it.
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