Britney fat or preggers

Yes, we know it might be indegestion, but Queen of the Double Wide looks like she's pregnant again to us... That would make Kevin Federline have, what, 17 children then??? Someone needs to either tell Britney to stop shoving hundred dollar bills up her twat so Kevin will stop going up there or have that man castrated... nothing good can come. Look at his other kids, they are FREAKIN UGLY AS SHIT. Ohhh, it's like this girl we knew in High School, she was the prom queen, she had it all... then she got knocked up, now 6 years later she has 4 kids, lives in a trailer behind her grandma and her husband is laying next to us... OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH... but we would never sleep with K-Fed, anything that's been up Brit Brit's twat AND Shar's Coochie Coo has got to be red and have bumps.
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