Gastneau Girls Lesbo Love

It's amazing what whores will do for attention/publicity/bad tv deals...
The Gastineau Girls are back, and Bigger then EVER! Literally... Looking at Britney, who seems to have either a.) gained 15 pounds from last year or b.) gained 20 pounds from last year... this season should be a smash hit! And by smash hit I mean someone recognizing these two and smashing bottles over their heads.
There comes a time in every 23 year old girls life when she says to herself, "who am I, where did I come from?" This is when Britney and Lisa decided to show the whole world where Britney came from and have Britney pose naked in the middle of Lisa's legs... why else would you take naked nudie pics with your mom while leaning in her crotch???
Some one needs to tell these two to get a fucking life and stop coming into mine with there mindless denseness that defies logic... for godsakes, isn't that why we have Jessica Simpson? Someone needs to tell these people we already have our fill of retarded reality stars that are far more entertaining, way richer and better looking than them. At least Whitney and Bobby are FUNNY...
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