Whoreanus to busy doing crack for Globe's

Lindsay Lohan was a no show on Monday nite at the Golden Globes. She was set to be a presenter but never showed up?
What gives bitch? You to good now for the Golden Globes? Because you may think you are but us here at the Gossipvine think that you are a pretentious bitch that needs to get their head out of their crack pipe if you want to last in Hollywood another 6 months.
This is the 2nd time in 2 months that Lohan has missed a planned event (1st canceling the LIVE with Regis and Kelly show 15 minutes AFTER she was supposed to be there)
And by the way, this recent picture of her Whorenus reveals that certainly does not look bulemic or anorexic. She actually looks a little chubby to us. We saw about 127 girls that were WAY skinnier than Whoreanus at starbucks TODAY.
You make us puke you self centered mediocre bitch. No wonder you hate Scarlett, at least that girl can PRETEND to act. You on the other hand will never be as good as Hilary Duff and only ever remembered for your movie roles when you were 12.
It's time you step into the middle of the road and get hit with a fucking bus cunt.
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