Bijou trying to be cool... again

Since no one knows who the hell Bijou Phillips is, besides she used to be friends with Paris Hilton, she has now been reportedly angered at the thought that her ex boyfriend of 4 years, Sean Lennon (son of John Lennon and that annoying bitchy Asian chick that broke up the Beatles) is "Together" with BLOWHAN (our new name for Linds... we like it, it's got a ring to it) Upset that friends in a club told Bijou that the pair were "together" a souce telle that Bijou obviously still in love with Lennon.
Who cares. Who cares who Bijou is anyway. What a shitty name. She needs to shut the fuck up. If Sean is getting it on with Blowhan then good for him. I hope they brake up and he fucks Bijou again and she gets some of Blowhan's Clap. These peope are stupid.
P.S. We would totally rather do Blowhan, even if she has the body of a 11 year old boy... at least she doens't look a skanked out heroin addict...
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