The Gossip Grapevine

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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mark Whalberg has another bastard child

For some reason, Mark Whalberg and his lady friend, Rhea Durham, are enjoying a day on the beach. Unfortunatley other people were trying to enjoy the same day on the same beach.

When and why has the idea that pregnant ladies are allowed to wear bathing suits and got to public beaches been confirmed by society? What the hell is the matter with people, next thing we know these women will be encourged to vote, go to colleges, think, this world is going to turn into an episode of Commander and Chief if we don't lay the law down sometime, JUST SAY NO TO PREGNANCY.

Yes, it is natural, yes it is normal, but NO it does not have to be tolerated by others. NO it does not have to be accepted by those that have to look at the fat, bloated lady with high strung hormones eating a pickle and cheese sandwich on rye.

Thanks to Whalberg, Rhea Durham, who usually is very attractive looks like she ate Santa's sack of vollyballs for PS 48 . The two are NOT married, have one child together. They split in 2004 only to (obviously) make up.