Ya'LL I'm the QUEEN... of Double Wides!

Brits and K-Fed at the Sag Awards last nite. We still don't know why they were there, we thought it was for fucking ACTORS... and considering all Britney has ever done was hold a camcorders to her knees and say "Look Ya'll, they look like BOOBS", we don't know why they would want to be there. Plus I doubt anyone wanted them to be there.
Amongst other things, why does K-Fed look Officially, Grade-A RETARDED in this pic? He is probably stoned, we are sure of that, but what the hell is going on? And why is Brits wearing a cheap TEAL taffetta prom dress from 1982? Someone needs to tell her that she wasn't supposed to take this 80's revival that far... We like the choker though, sure does class it up... Are these your "Go To Meetin'" clothes ya'll?
Someone shoot them, both of them. And that kid. America DESERVES a world free of Spears/Federline.
One last thing... we are so glad that Brits took out the nasty extensions, especially since she didn't know how to take care of them, but we are really hating this hair... it's just weird and looks like the lady in our office that's 6 year old kid cut her hair so she had to go get it fixed and this is all they could do. Ugh.
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