Colin Farrell likes to look at himself doing it

Colin Farrell, an actor for some reason even though he can not act, and "estranged" girlfriend Nicole Narain are "furious" that a sex tape of the two has leaked it's way onto the internet. And by leaked we mean Nicole put it there.
Nicole, who claims she is not profiting from the sale of their video for $14.95 on the internet is appauled at the thought that Colin would think that she had anything to do with this. I mean for goodness sakes people, Nicole is way better than that, if she wanted her own nudie pics she would have put them on the internet herself, like Hmmm... in that case, I just don't know who to believe.
P.S. We like the fact that it's only $14.95 that's real classy. Just high enough for people to think... "hmmm, do I really need to watch this?" and then say no and remind themselves that Colin Farrell is a tool that has the body of a pre-pubescent 15 yr old (not the height though) and the fact that nudie pics of his slut "estranged" girlfriend are everywhere.
P.P.S. What's with the "Estranged" girlfriend... not "ex-girlfriend", not "former lover" but ESTRANGED GIRLFRIEND... we might be high on pain killers but that does not make sense to any of us. And by us I of course mean my two cats, Van and Halen, my fish Mr. Bubbles, a bottle of Diazepam and myself.
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